With extensive experience providing outside general counsel services to small- and medium-business, our attorneys understand the important role that the general counsel serves in ensuring that business operations are efficient and prudent.
Effective general counsel service requires four key skills: The ability to communicate clearly and succinctly; the ability to understand the law, both at an operational level and at a jurisprudential level; the ability to understand risk; and the ability to recognize the interests of varying stakeholders and constituencies. Our years of experience counseling business leaders have given us the skills necessary to serve our clients well, whether assisting in routine matters, offering guidance during fundamental business changes, and providing leadership when crises emerge.
Lippman, Semsker & Salb can provide cost-effective “one-stop shopping,” allowing our clients to contact one attorney for seamless access to a broad array of legal knowledge, both inside and outside of our firm. Our outside general counsel services can help clients:
- Conduct corporate transactions;
- Address employment matters;
- Negotiate partnerships with other companies;
- Assess the health of company books & records;
- Update and maintain corporate governance files;
- Conduct internal investigations;
- Ensure general corporate compliance;
- Coordinate with legal specialists who have ongoing relationships with the company; and
- Coordinate timely and effective crisis management.